Villa © Gina Soden 2013

Grand Piano © Gina Soden 2014

Eglise © Gina Soden 2014
A very Happy New Year to you all!
Thank you for all of your support this year, it has been a really interesting, enjoyable and successful one for me. I’ve had great fun travelling Europe and meeting people and gallery owners at art fairs, private openings and competition events. I feel particularly proud to have topped last year by winning the overall photography prize at the National Open Art – NOA competition. The man the award was named after recently contacted me to say Congratulations and to inform me he bought the award winning work which is an incredible honour!
I want to say a huge thank you to the galleries and clubs that have shown my work; Eye Like, Kate Bryan at The Fine Arts Society Contemporary, Home House, Rise Arts, Eleven Fine Art, Groucho Club, Century Club, and to all my wonderful clients who now have their own Gina Soden artwork on their wall.
2015 looks to be an even more promising year and I will be travelling further afield than ever before. I can’t wait to show you what I get up to and I know we live in a age where content can be shared instantly, however you won’t be able to enjoy it until it is complete. Much like a musician releasing an album, the next series is coming together, so please bear with me!
I am currently in the stage of planning the next big trip, but tonight I am seeing the New Year in with good friends. I hope you all have a fantastic time!
My best wishes to you for a happy and prosperous 2015, Gina